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Browse our selection of articles about tracking and reporting procurement performance.
Why are one-off savings often overlooked? Should we focus on them more?
James Meads explains how to align with Finance on reporting cost savings.
What are the differences between procurement analytics and performance software?
Why is value replacing cost savings as procurement's main driver and metric?
We explain what our Ideas feature brings to procurement performance management.
Guest blogger James Meads explains why legacy tools are seldom a good solution.
Report on environment and other non-financial benefits in Provalido.
Getting up and running with Provalido is probably quicker than you think.
Provalido makes things easier, but does it also lead to bigger savings numbers?
10 tips to make measuring procurement savings a little easier.
Read about how G4S has transformed its procurement with help from Provalido.
Our founder Paul Gurr talks with Phil Ideson about savings management software.