How quicky can we implement Provalido?
As well as being far less expensive, the rise of stand-alone, best-of-breed tools to strengthen procurement processes and improve efficiency has brought another key benefit - easy implementation.
Whenever we’re talking to potential customers, one question we’re always asked is “How easy / quick is it to implement?”. The answer is:
It's very easy. There's no need for any inolvement from your IT team and demand on your internal resources is very low.
It's very quick. You can be up and running in a fully configured environment with all users trained within a week.
This is still a surprising answer to some, but it’s becoming increasingly normal for this kind of technology. Gone are the days of lengthy, complex and costly implementation projects with a whole team of people just to get the thing off the ground.
What else can you do in one week? The average Provalido customer logs $600k in a week. They launch 13 new projects and close 13 completed projects in a week. It may well take longer to make a decision on Provalido than it will take to implement it.
To look at how this works in real life, recently we were contacted on a Monday evening by a $2bn organisation that was looking for a more robust and efficient way of managing and reporting their savings than their current spreadsheet-based process. On the Tuesday we provided a demo of our system via a web meeting. On the Wednesday we discussed the data we needed to build and configure a tailored environment for them (their category taxonomy, organisation structure, savings types, approval rules etc). On the Friday we received their data, built and configured their environment, and provided access to their super-users to check everything out.
On the Tuesday and Wednesday of the week after we conducted web-based training sessions for all their procurement team and they were up and running using Provalido having taken a huge step forward from their spreadsheet process. All this happened in just 7 working days in a large multi-national company.
So just because Provalido falls into the ‘technology’ bracket, doesn’t mean it needs to be complicated to buy and implement. Even if you have other implementations or big projects ongoing, it doesn't mean you need to wait to upgrade your savings reporting. If you’d like to understand how Provalido can help your procurement team manage its cost reduction activity in a more efficient way – just get in touch or arrange a demo. If you like what you see, you could be using it this time next week!